Obstructed defecation syndrome.


Dr JS Rajkumar    13 October 2017

Obstructed defecation syndrome (ODS) – one of the main causes of primary constipation, is caused by anatomical disorders in the pelvic floor region (rectocoele, en-terocoele, rectal intussusception, rectal prolapse), but it always occurs in combination with a functional defect of defecation. A recent article published in the Rhozledy v Chirurgii provided a comprehensive view of the diagnosis and treatment of the obstructed defecation syndrome.The article reported that ODS treatment may be either conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment involves complex approaches, for instance, the practice of defecation, regime and dietary measures, along with pelvic floor rehabilitation and psychological support. However, symptoms persist in some patients despite conservative management and therefore, surgery is resorted to. The types of surgical approaches for ODS treatment are: transvaginal, transabdominal, and transanal. Among these, transanal procedures are most frequently used since they provide good short-term results and low complication rates. In summary, it was stated that since ODS is caused by a combination of functional and anatomical disorders treatment has to be targeted at a wide range of causes. Thus, a multidisciplinary approach as well as a combination of conservative treatment and specific and precise surgical procedures can lead to good long-term results.1Reference1. Sákra L, Šiller J. (Obstructed defecation syndrome - review article). Rhozledy v Chirurgii. 2017;96(6):247-251.

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